Books of the Monks (and Nuns) Club

I don’t have a lot of time.  I can give a poem a couple of lines, a short story a paragraph, and a novel a few pages, then if I can stop reading without a sense of loss, I do, and I go on to something else.    —  Flannery O’Connor

I love this.

This section of the cyber monastery is where we will share what we’ve been reading recently. We encourage readers to contribute something (anything) of their own. Hopefully, this list will grow.Here are some of my Amazon Reviews. Let me know if you have some books you would like to include here.

Glimpsing Heaven: The Stories and Science of Life After Death, by Judy Bachrach I’ve been on somewhat of a “life after death” kick lately (and for like 40 years or so)– and a life before life and a life between life kick. This is a “quickie” I picked up at the Portland Library to read while on vacation. It’s a three star book. If you’re new to the field, or doubt the veracity of these experiences, this can act as an introduction. If you’re looking for better recommendations, send me an email!

Paranormal: My Life in Pursuit of the Afterlife, by Raymond Moody I loved this book. Love Raymond Moody and his work. This is his autobiography.

Status Anxiety, by Alain DuButton This book was a real surprise for me. I read it straight through, which is quite rare for me.

Pilgrimage: My Search for the Real Pope Francis, by Mark Shriver I was going to just flip through this book. Then I got caught…

The Marijuana Addiction Cure, by Kino Dee We need more insight into addictions in our time. Alas, this is a baby step…

Why We Write: 20 Acclaimed Authors… Meridith Maran As a writer, I needed this.

How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia, by Mohsin Hamid A good buddy said this was the best novel he’d ever read. It’s fiction. And good.

Rogue Messiah, by Colin Wilson /a> I love Colin Wilson. This book is a great example of why I do so love.

European Masters, Blueprints for Awakening, by Premananda
An amazing and wonderful work.. interviews with contemporary wise guys and gals.

The Open Secret, by Tony Parsons Tony Parsons is a good fueling station, along the Way…

Incarnational Spirituality, by David Spangler David Spangler is a long time hero of mine… swimming against the tide. We need such swimmers!

Systemantics: How Systems Work, and Especially How They Fail, by John Gall An old classic… worth rereading.

The Mandala of Being, by Richard Moss This man is very earnest.

Tarot Beginner’s Guide, by Olivia Miller This lady is in a bit over her head.

Botany for the Artist, by Sarah Simblet My wife Suzy, a gifted botanical artist, loved this book. What more to say?

The Art of Sexual Ecstasy: The Path of Sacred Sexuality for Western Lovers, by Margot Ananad Alas, this book places too much faith that we will find lasting peace and contentment through sexual activity. Nothing wrong with sexual activity, of course, but it is not the end of the path, contrary to what some recent idiots have believed.

Status Anxiety, by Alain DuButton This book was a real surprise for me. I read it straight through, which is quite rare for me.

Pilgrimage: My Search for the Real Pope Francis, by Mark Shriver I was going to just flip through this book. Then I got caught…

The Marijuana Addiction Cure, by Kino Dee We need more insight into addictions in our time. Alas, this is a baby step…

Why We Write: 20 Acclaimed Authors… Meridith Maran As a writer, I needed this.

How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia, by Mohsin Hamid A good buddy said this was the best novel he’d ever read. It’s fiction. And good.

Rogue Messiah, by Colin Wilson /a> I love Colin Wilson. This book is a great example of why I do so love.

European Masters, Blueprints for Awakening, by Premananda
An amazing and wonderful work.. interviews with contemporary wise guys and gals.

The Open Secret, by Tony Parsons Tony Parsons is a good fueling station, along the Way…

Incarnational Spirituality, by David Spangler David Spangler is a long time hero of mine… swimming against the tide. We need such swimmers!

Systemantics: How Systems Work, and Especially How They Fail, by John Gall An old classic… worth rereading.

The Mandala of Being, by Richard Moss This man is very earnest.

Tarot Beginner’s Guide, by Olivia Miller This lady is in a bit over her head.

Botany for the Artist, by Sarah Simblet My wife Suzy, a gifted botanical artist, loved this book. What more to say?

The Art of Sexual Ecstasy: The Path of Sacred Sexuality for Western Lovers, by Margot Ananad Alas, this book places too much faith that we will find lasting peace and contentment through sexual activity. Nothing wrong with sexual activity, of course, but it is not the end of the path, contrary to what some recent idiots have believed.

Eckhart Tolle, Wayne Dyer, Tao Te Ching, I Ching, Nisargadatta, Deepak Chopra: Quick Reads?

     “The Book of the Monk and Nun Club” is obviously a take-off on the old “Book of the Month” Club. Members of that club would sign up and receive a new book each month. Ah, mass entertainment. There’s a time and place for it.       As monks and nuns, however, we …

Rogue Messiahs, by Colin Wilson

     I recently posted this review on Amazon of Colin Wilson‘s wonderfully insightful book “Rogue Messiahs, Tales of Self-Proclaimed Saviors.” As you can tell by my review, I highly recommend it. Here’s the review      I confess to being somewhat susceptible myself to “Roque Messiahs.” I have followed various teachers and gurus down …

European Masters: Blueprints for Awakening

      Here’s my Amazon review of Permananda’s “Blueprints for Awakening.” It’s a wonderful book.      Premananda has done us all a huge, huge favor in bringing all these wise guys and ladies together in this beautiful tome.(Check out the table of contents— you’ll see what a gold mine this is.)     …

Poetry by Robert Orr : What If

Robert is a fellow monk,  fellow foothills walker and “method of no method” enthusiast.  Although mostly living a monkish lifestyle, and following the “method of no method” (which is a very advanced method) he is nevertheless a delightfully profound and insightful poet. He has a book of poetry coming out in the near future. Let’s …

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