Category: Uncategorized

Where Are the Adults in the Room?

        Gandhi in the Hood As grown-ups, when we see two kids on the playground fighting, do we first decide which kid deserves our support and then jump in and start punching and kicking the other kid? No, of course not.  Our job is to step in, bring an end to the conflict, help …

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Mrs. Life and the Other 10,000 Names for God

Something subtle is obviously here in our lives, that cannot be put into words. This something, which is not in fact a thing, is what allows us to be alive and aware and ever present, intelligent and orderly. (This “something” is what allows me to write and you to read and understand these words.) Okay, …

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Spiritual Economics 101

So how can the urban/suburban householder monk or nun most mindfully (lovingly) relate to the myriad money matters that arise each day, each week, each month, each year? We can’t ignore money, obviously, no matter how much some of us might try. (When we ignore money, we most often end up very, very broke!)               …

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Pope Francis, the Lord’s Prayer and Free Cowboy Theology

I was quite tickled earlier this year when Pope Francis made a little tweak to the Lord’s Prayer—saying that God never leads us into temptation, so why ask Him (on a daily basis!) to refrain? The Pope said the real translation should be, “do not let us fall into temptation,” which he says is much …

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Here’s the future, according to Einstein . . .

Joel S. Goldsmith: The Practical Signs of Spiritual Healing

The writings and tapes of Joel  S. Goldsmith, and lightly, the Infinite Way community,   made Goldsmith one of my early “go-to”  teachers. (And now available on youtube, alas audio only.)  He’s been an inspirational  companion and teacher for more than forty years. His biography, The Spiritual Journey of Joel S. Goldsmith,  by his long-time assistant, …

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How Our Heart Condition Affects the World

A sad, cranky, unkempt, fifty-something woman came to see me  as her stop smoking coach off and on over several years. She came more for the chocolates I kept on my desk, I suspected, and the contacts I had in local social services than for any wisdom I might inadvertently bestow regarding her addiction. So it …

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